Parent Board Volunteer

Parent Board Members & Volunteers Needed- We have open/ soon to open board positions and we're looking for parents to join us this Spring.  Volunteer, shadow our current board, and help us continue to grow the game of lacrosse in our community.

Interested in learning more about our board positions- Lake Zurich Lacrosse Volunteers & Information

Select any position(s) you are interested in below:

Phone Number
Executive Board Member- ensures we hold regular meetings, takes notes, assigns action items, and posts notes for review and follow-up
Manages communications to our families and players
Co-Treasurer/ Controller
Shadow/support Treasurer- day-to-day expenditures and payments, reconciliation, and Quarterly reporting to Board
Co-Youth Boys Commissioner
Shadow Boys Commissioner and help serve as youth league liaison
Co-Fundraising Lead
Shadow/support our program fundraising efforts
Co-Equipment Director
Shadow/support equipment director w/ equipment, coaches bags, equipment orders, storage, etc…
Volunteer Coordinator
Coordinates volunteers within the program for in season and off-season program support
Game Day Photographer(s)
Help capture or compile game day or practice pictures to share with players and parents
Other options/ideas to help support LZLC. Feel free to select "Other" to learn more and/or add comments below
Comments or Questions

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